Explosion-proof equipment outside scope of ATEX certification

Explosion-proof equipment outside scope of ATEX certification

Clarifying the groups of explosion-proof equipment for which ATEX certification does not apply, will allow the relevant manufacturers to expedite the process of conformity assessment of these groups of equipment and allow them to be placed on the market more quickly.

ATEX Certificate for Ex d

ATEX Certificate for Ex d

Explosion resistance is established in explosion-proof devices and equipment with Type "d" protection, through the physical protection of the enclosure, only in gas atmosphere with explosion risk. There are several ways to create explosion-proof characteristics for Ex d protection, all of which correspond to the technical specifications set out in the EN 60079-1. Ex d explosion-proof protection consists of three explosion-proof levels under the db, da and dc subsidiaries. The marking included in the ATEX certificates for Ex d have two different structures, for equipment and components. Here there are important examples of Explosion Proof products having Ex d protection.

ATEX technical file

ATEX technical file

Guideline for preparation product technical file for ATEX certification according to ATEX directive and IECEx requirements