outsourcing policies

  • NOBEL CERT takes responsibility for all activities outsourced to the external testing labs and external companies performing presentation and marketing tasks on behalf of NOBEL CERT.

  • NOBEL CERT does not outsource QAN audits or product evaluation to a consultant, as this poses an unacceptable threat to the impartiality of NOBEL CERT. This does not apply to individuals contracted as QAN auditors or product evaluators (Point No.5 of M-M-03)

  • Except above policy, generally NOBEL CERT does not outsource QAN audits or product evaluation to another external body or firm.

  • NOBEL CERT does not own an internal lab, therefore testing activities are outsourced wholly to external testing labs but only accredited ones according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by ILAC signatory accreditation bodies.

  • For special cases, when an accredited Ex testing lab does not exist in the country or area where the client located and also there is not possibility to transport the testing sample(s) to the external partner testing labs located in other countries or regions, the obligatory of having accreditation for client laboratory mabybe excluded according to the requirement of of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and also the point 4.4 of annex III of directive 2014/34/EU. In such special cases, NOBEL CERT performs on-site witness by one of its appointed product evaluators, with performing a prior control and approval on all factors of the manufacturer’s lab including the tester competency, the testing device calibration of verification, the environmental consitions of the lab and other affecting factors which may affect testing results. The results of witnessing and controlling the mentioned factors must be documented.

  • NOBEL CERT may outsource only its presentation and marketing activities to the legal entities (not real persons) located outside Italy that could be committed to be in compliance with NOBEL CERT policies (M-M-02) and observe the requirements of M-M-03 (Limitations , Observations &  most important forbidden activities) and conditions of NOBEL CERT outsourcing procedure (P-S-22) and the contract with the marketing service providers (F-S-04).

  • NOBEL CERT does not outsource application review, contract making and certification decision making to external bodies, companies and persons.