Specific contract for Technical file A.R issuance

A-M-11 Ver 00

Contract Ref. No. ....
date: ....

This contract has been set according to Policy for Technical file A.R issucance - handling and storage of the dossier for non-electrical equipment category M2 and 2 according to Annex VIII, point 2 (M-O-04) of ATEX directive.

Article 1- Contract Parties 

This contract has been drawn up by and between ……………………………………….. , with the registration number ……….. and the fiscal code ……….. with domiciled registered address at…………………………,  represented by ………………. , hereinafter referred to as The Client, from one side, and Nobel Certification Italia SRLS., with registration number FE-219093, and fiscal Code 02021200387 with domiciled registered address at floor T-1 , No. 285 , Comacchio St., Ferrara (FE) - Italia, represented by Mr. Peyman Moradi as Managing director, hereinafter referred to NOBEL CERT, from the other side.

Article 2- Contract Subject-matter

handling and storage of the dossier for non-electrical equipment category M2 and 2 according to Annex VIII, point 2 of EU directive 2014/34/EU, According to Article 13 (1) (b) (ii) of the Directive 2014/34/EU, including:

2-1- to prepare product technical file according to requirements of point No.2 of annex VIII of ATEX directive and to communicate it by the client to NOBEL CERT.

2-2- Registration and issuance of Acknowledge receipt (A.R) of technical documentation, with at least 10 years validity, under the accreditation of the national accreditation Center of Italia (ACCREDIA) for the product type/s: ................................... and model/s: .............................................according to Annex VIII, point 2 of EU directive 2014/34/EU.

Note 1: The subject matter of this contract is applicable to the application received from the CLIENT, amended if required, finalized, approved by the CLIENT, and reviewed and accepted by NOBEL CERT, and is available on link: ........................................

Note 2: The acknowledgement receipt (A.R) , cannot be advertised as a certificate of conformity by the client.

Note 3: The technical documentation or its relevant file referred in this article, shall be sealed (in case of submission physical document) or protected (in case of submission digital document), prior to submission to NOBEL CERT.

Note 4: NOBEL CERT is not permitted to perform any control and or amendment on received technical file from the client.

Note 5: NOBEL CERT shall keep the technical documentation referred in this article, for a minimum period of 10 years and shall be ensured that there no any product, will be placed in the EU market , after the expiration date of the A.R. otherwise NOBEL CERT will inform this violation to relevant notifying authorities.

Note 6: The client shall not place any product in the EU market after the expiration date of the issued A.R, unless the validity of the A.R has been extended or a new A.R has been issued by NOBEL CERT for the relevant product.

Article 3- Contract Term

This contract term shall be from the date of signing until 4 months.

Article 4- Total Contract Price

Total contract price is 0000.00 EURO, which shall be paid by the client to NOBEL CERT as per the parts  and deadlines which has been indicated by the Quotation of A.R issuance.

Article 5- Contract versions

This contract is drawn up in two versions, both of which have the same ruling and are approved by the parties to the contract.

Article 6- Damages and consumption responsibility

With this contract the client  releases NOBEL CERT from any commitment towards third parties for requests for damages or compensation and undertakes not to claim anything in the event of a legal dispute.

Article 7- Jurisdiction 

In the event of a dispute, the court of Ferrara in Italy, is agreed to be competent.

Signed and sealed by the CLIENT                                                         

Signed and sealed by NOBEL CERT