Guide to completing application form for ATEX (EU type examination) certification

Before completing the ATEX (EU type examination) certification application form, being aware of the important points that must be observed when completing the form, will prevent repeated amendments and unnecessary and time-consuming back and forth of this form between the applicant manufacturer for ATEX certification and ConformEx (NOBEL CERTIFICATION Italia).

  • At the 2nd paragraph of top of the page, links to download tables for recording information on sub-models for some explosion-proof equipment have been placed. If the desired equipment is one of these items, please download and complete the table file by clicking on the link related to the equipment, and then upload it in the relevant section at the end of the online application form.

  • Please read carefully the content of the pages which are relevant to the five links which are placed in the first paragraph of at the top of application form.

To complete the form, first specify the type of your request:

  • Request for "initial issuance of certificate"; or

  • Request for "making changes to a previously issued certificate".

Section 1 - General Information about the Organization Applying for Certification

  • The name of the organization must be entered in full and exactly as it appears in the official and legal company registration documents.

  • The full name, organizational position, and mobile number of the contact person must be included. The person introduced must be familiar with the product's functionality and design and related explosion-proof parameters such as type of protection, operating zone, marking, etc.

  • In the "Registered office" section, first enter the legal address of the company in "full address in one line" section, and then the city, province, country, and postal code must be entered separately.
    Next, it is necessary to register the phone number and email address for the legal location of the company.

  • If the address of the company's legal location and the address of the production location are the same, there is no need to complete the information in the Place of production section.

  • Multiple site companies are the companies that produce explosion-proof products in multiple locations. If your company has a multi-site structure, you must include the number of locations and the activities performed at each location in the relevant section.

  • If your company uses the service of an authorized representative within the EU, please complete the information for its contact person and registered office within EU.

Section 2 - Technical Information

  • In the "Product information" section, the full name of the product is included. The product name should be clear, not general or ambiguous, and should describe the actual use of the product.

  • The type or types of product for which the company intends to obtain certification must be clearly stated. Manufacturers usually use their own internally defined characters or IDs to name product types, which in some cases are modeled on the basis of the similar products which have been previously produced. For all types or models of the product in question which is mentioned in this section, the design and production stages of the prototype must have been completed and the relevant technical documents must also be available.

Note: ConformEx does not accept application for certification of the types which has not been still designed and no any sample of them has been produced.

  • The general explosion-proof standard related to the product is selected from the list in the Standard 1 field (which is usually EN 60079-0) and then the specific standard related to the type of protection of the equipment is selected from the standards in the Standard 2 field. For example, EN 60079-1 for equipment with Exd protection type or EN 60079-11 for equipment with Exi protection type.

  • If the explosion-proof equipment has more than one type of protection, the third standard (relevant to the second protection type) must also be mentioned in the Standard 3 field.

  • Product group and category must be selected among one of the available options.

  • The type of protection or protections associated with the equipment must also be entered in the Protection Type/s field. If there is more than one type of protection, the protection symbols must be separated by commas, for example: Exd,Exe,Exi

  • In the ATEX marking field, depending on the variety of protections and installation and operating atmospheres of the product, it may be necessary to include more than one marking in this section.

  • In the "Atmosphere of operation" section, depending on the desired atmosphere for installing and operating the equipment, a gas atmosphere, a dust atmosphere, or both atmospheres are selected from the options.

  • If the product is designed for installation and operation in gas atmospheres, one of the options in the "Relevant Gas group" field is selected, otherwise the "not applicable" option should be selected.

  • According to clause 4.3 of the EN IEC 60079-0:2018, gas group IIA is for propane, IIB is for ethylene, and IIC is for hydrogen and acetylene gases. Gas group IIB+H2 is also a special gas atmosphere according to clause 4.5 of the mentioned standard.

Note: In any case, the relationship between the gas groups and the gases described above is very general, and the gas group of each explosion-proof equipment must be determined by the equipment manufacturer and the equipment operator, considering the structure, type of protection, and design of the equipment.

  • One of the options in the "Relevant dust group" field, is selected if the product is designed for installation and operation in atmospheres containing dust particles, otherwise the not applicable option should be selected.

Based on clause 4.4 of the EN IEC 60079-0:2018, dust group IIIA relates to combustible solid dusts (such as fibers), dust group IIIB relates to non-conductive dust, and IIIC relates to conductive dust.

Based on table 1 of clause 4-2 of the EN 60079-31:2014, the parameters of the protection level sub-set of Ext (tb, ta or tc) and the degree of protection (IP), are determinant of the dust group (IIIA, IIIB or IIIC) of the explosion-proof equipment.

  • to determine the level of IP, refer to EN 60529. The required IP level should only be determined by the manufacturer, based on the equipment design, type of protection, and hazard zone where the equipment is used.

  • Regarding the question of whether the device is handheld, if it can be carried by hand, the Yes option should be selected.

  • Temperature classification: a classification system for explosion-proof equipment based on their maximum surface temperature, related to the specific gaseous atmosphere in which they are intended to be used. The temperature class for Group II electrical equipment is between T1 and T6, according to table 2 of clause of EN IEC 60079-0:2018.

  • Ambient temperature is the temperature of the air or other media in the vicinity of equipment or components.

    • ambient temperature does not refer to the temperature of any process media, unless the equipment or component is totally immersed in the process media.

    • If Ex Equipment or an Ex Component is located inside or adjacent to another piece of equipment, the “ambient temperature” is the temperature of the air or other media surrounding the Ex Equipment or Ex Component and may be higher than the ambient air surrounding the complete equipment due to the additional heat dissipated within the complete equipment.

    • The ambient temperature referred to in the clause 5.5.1 of EN IEC 60079-0:2018 is only related to the explosion safety of the Ex Equipment or Ex Component.