Limitations , Observations and most important forbidden activities
M-M-03 Rev: 02
On the basis & for more effectiveness of Statement of Nobel Cert Policies (M-M-02), Nobel certification has Established following measures as "limitations, observations & most forbidden activities":
1- NOBEL CERT does not offer or provide consultancy service relevant to product certification. NOBEL CERT is not – and undertakes not to be - connected to a party directly involved in activities/situations of design, manufacturing, supply, installation, acquisition, marketing, possession, use and maintenance of the assessed products or similar to those assessed.
2- Where the relationship between the consultant and NOBEL CERT poses an unacceptable threat to the impartiality, NOBEL CERT does not certify such client, unless a minimum period of two years elapse following the end of the consultancy so as the threat to impartiality is reduced at acceptable level.
3- NOBEL CERT activities shall not be marketed or offered as linked with the activities of an organization that provides management system or product consultancy.
4- NOBEL CERT takes action to correct inappropriate claims by any consultant or the other parties with whom it has contractual relations such as contact points (marketing service providers) and associated testing labs, stating or implying that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive, if NOBEL CERT were used. NOBEL CERT does not state or imply that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if a specified consultant is used.
5- NOBEL CERT does not outsource QAN audits or product evaluation to a consultant, as this poses an unacceptable threat to the impartiality of NOBEL CERT. This does not apply to individuals contracted as QAN auditors or product evaluators.
6- To ensure that there is no conflict of interests, personnel who have provided consultancy for Ex product and relevant production process certification, including those acting in a managerial capacity, are not used to take part in any evaluation or audit or other certification activities towards the client in question within three years following the end of the consultancy.
7- NOBEL CERT does not use a product evaluator or QAN auditor for product evaluation or QAN auditing of an organization which his/her qualification is inappropriate to the relevant Ex product.
8- All NOBEL CERT personnel, either internal or external, or teams, who could influence the certification activities, act impartially and does not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise their impartiality.
9- NOBEL CERT requires personnel, internal and external to not hide any situation known to them that may present them or NOBEL CERT, with a conflict of interests.
10- NOBEL CERT does not use the personnel, internal or external for it’s operation, when cooperation with them causes occurrence any situation with a conflict of interest.
11- Certification decision making group members are not authorized to participate in any product evaluation or QAN audit task for the projects which they are appointed as decision maker. in addition, NOBEL CERT makes collaboration contract directly with decision makers and does not accept the collaboration with any certification decision maker who is employed by or under contract with another entity which maybe under the organizational control of NOBEL CERT.
12- Product evaluators, QAN auditors, persons who make certification decision and also person who has been involved with the subject a specific appeal or complaint previously, are not permitted to carry out any relevant “appeal & complain handling” activity.
13- NOBEL CERT does not conduct QAN audit operation and product evaluation and testing in an unsafe & unhealthy premises.
14- To make all information about clients and their manufactured product confidential, except those are required to be publicly accessible or those shall be available to the other bodies such as accreditation bodies and inform to client for the information have been publicly accessible, prior to made them accessible.
15- Information about a particular client or individual or relevant product is not disclosed to a third party without a written consent is issued by the client or individual.
16- To inform to client or individual in advance, where NOBEL CERT is obligated by law or legal authorities to release their confidential information to a third party.
17- To approach and treat any obtained information from sources other than the client as confidential.
18- To obligate all staffs & external parties (team members, contractors or individuals who working on behalf of NOBEL CERT) to keep confidential all information obtained or created during their activities.
19- To provide & make available all required facilities to ensure effective managing of confidential information.
20- To prevent disclosing information about complaints to Public, unless a permission from complainant & client, has been taken.
21- To keep, transport, transmit & transfer all documented information and records of clients and relevant Ex products and related production processes securely.
22- NOBEL CERT does not offer or provide QAN internal audit to clients that already having a QAN approval from NOBEL CERT or to applicants of QAN or to the manufacturers which are contracted for issuing QAN.
23- If NOBEL CERT provides QAN internal audit or pre-audit and pre-evaluation of product for a manufacturer, therefore NOBEL CERT will not make any certification contract with the desired manufacturer within three years following the end of the internal or pre-audit and pre-evaluation.
24- NOBEL CERT commits to not obtain any share or not have any type of participation in consultancy firms, category associations, manufacturing companies which are relevant to the NOBEL CERT scope of certification.
25- NOBEL CERT commits to perform the training , know-how transferring, organization of courses, conferences, seminars, study meetings, support for the internationalization of companies and environmental impact assessment which are indicated as "Corporate purpose" in its legal entity only under below conditions:
the participants of above programs or receiver of above services, shall NOT be from one company and also shall not be from a group of companies with similar product caregory.
the content of above programs must not be specific for a product or product category and shall only describes the standard requirements generally and not providing technical solution.
study activities shall not be done for a specific product or product category and shall not include providing any technical soloution, rather they must be limited to clarifying only the samples indicated in the requirements of the standards subject to the program.
the defined tasks of proposal for the services of "support for the internationalization of companies and environmental impact assessment", prior to make the relevant service provision contract with the clients, shall be shared with one of the impartiality committee members and confirmation of the member for not existing any consultancy activity within the project proposal, shall be taken.
26- NOBEL CERT auditors, product evaluators and certification decision makers are not allowed and do not apply requirement, evaluation, review, decision and surveillance for the activities and aspects outside the scope of certification for all clients and projects. in the other word the clients are not required by NOBEL CERT for compliance of the products, processes and any aspect outside their applied certification scope and also are not evlauted accordingly.
Director of Nobel Certification Italia
Peyman Moradi
07 Feb 2023