The most important advantages for taking ATEX certification service from ConformEx
more economical price (commonly at least 10% less than current market prices);
less duration for certification (usual three weeks to one month certification duration after completion tests and received technical file from clients)
Quick providing the outcomes and strongly support during assessment process for the purpose of correction the failures and nonconformities for the purpose of reducing certification duration.
a comprehensive technical public training for ATEX which a small part of it is available on our website ATEX knowledge page. (The number and thematic diversity of ATEX educational articles is rapidly expanding.);
ConformEx online questionnaire forms for the different modules of ATEX certification on our English and Italian websites request a complete information for the product in question and reduces the usual troubles of manufacturers for completing off-line several formats of questionnaire file and also troubles for sending them to the certification body.
Application for EU type examination / unit verification; click here
Application for quality assurance notification - QAN; click here
Application for issuing acknowledge receipt (A.R) or voluntary type examination, click here
an online guide containing complete and clear requirements for preparing ATEX technical file for explosion-proof products, which prevents the successive corrections of the technical file and back and forth it between the certification body and the manufacturer and significantly reduces the time for preparing and approving the technical file, which is currently one of the challenges facing manufacturers to obtain ATEX certification.
an online tracking and search system for verifying the validity and originality of the issued ATEX certificates for all users and other interested parties of ATEX certificates issued by ConformEx which enables the inquirers to download and view the full pages of their desired certificate.
ConformEx replies all received emails regarding inquiry of certificates validity quickly and below one day.