Complaint handling procedure

P-O-17, Rev 01

1 Objective

To describe the method and requirements of receiving, evaluation and make decisions on complaints to ensure all the requirements and specially impartiality and conflict of interest policies has been met.

2 Main Responsible

NOBEL CERT director

3 Procedure

 “Complaint handling form” (F-O-26) is downloaded by the complainant.

The description of the complaint, the name and contact information of the complainant is recorded by the complainant in the first part of the F-O-25.

The complaint forms must be sent to the email address of by the complainant.

The NOBEL CERT director, receives the complaint handling form, acknowledges its reception to the sender and determines the type of complaint including "related to NOBEL CERT" or "related to a certified product and / or the relevant client".

In the second part of the F-O-26, the director analyzes the subject of the complaint and in case that the complaint is not valid or could not be implemented (e.g. the complaint is in conflict with requirements of accreditation standards, ATEX directive and so on), the director marks the “not-valid” option and writes the reason in the part of “analyzing and validating appeal” and updates the complainant.

But if the director detects that the complaint is valid, he indicates the reason and marks the “valid” option and then determines the responsible of handling the complaint with indicating analyzing date and checking if the assigned person for handling the complaint has not been involved in the certification process relevant to the complaint.

in addition, managing director checks is the person who is assigned for complaint handling, has not provided consultancy for the client, or has not been employed by the client, within two years following the end of the his/her consultancy or his/her employment.

according to the performed analysis and review the subject of the complaint, the appropriate action(s) is defined and a responsible for performance of the action and relevant deadline are also determined.

  • at the determined deadline, the on-time implementation of the action with its effectiveness is checked and the complainant is updated for it.

  • The updating date and the name of the person who acknowledge receiving the implementation progress and also the effectiveness of implemented action, are recorded in F-O-26.

by above measures, NOBEL CERT gives official notification for completion of complaint handling process to the complainant to ensure the traceability and registration of the complaint, including the reactive measures that are taken to handle the complaint.

In accordance with article 12 of the statement of restrictions, considerations and the most important prohibited activities (M-M-03), NOBEL CERT ensures that:

  • The evaluator, auditor or the certificate decision maker will not be used for the complaint handling activities relevant to the same project.

  • A person who has previously been involved in the subject of the complaint, will not be used for investigation of the same complaint.

The person responsible for handling the complaints who receives the complaints, in order to prevent a discriminatory approach and reactive action against the complainants, does not disclose the name and information of the complainant to other people participating in the process of handling the complains.

For the purpose of effective tracking of the received complaints, upon receiving a new complaint, the relevant information is recorded in the list for summary of appeals and complaints (F-O-123) and for every step of its investigation and handling, the needed information is recorded on F-O-123.