Policy for issuing certification ATEX unit verification
M-O-05 Rev: 00
all requirements indicated in Rules & regulations for ATEX certification (I-O-18) which are also applicable to issuing certification ATEX unit verification, shall be taken into account prior to apply this policy.
Module G is appropriate to be used for highly complicated and customised products with a very low series volume (e.g. turbines, expensive instruments)
Unit verification may be applied to unique production and also to limited series production.
unit verification can be used for following options:
according to Article 13(1)(a),in the case of equipment; autonomous protective systems; for safety devices for such equipment or systems; and for components for such equipment, systems or devices, under equipment-groups I and II, equipment categories M 1 and 1.
according to Article 13(1)(b), in the case of equipment; for safety devices for such equipment; and for components of such equipment or devices, under equipment-groups I and II, equipment categories M 2 and 2, including:
internal combustion engines and electrical equipment, and
other equipment.
according to Article 13(1)(c), in the case of equipment; for safety devices for such equipment; and for components for such equipment and devices under equipment-group II, equipment category 3.
Module G covers both design and production phase.
NOBEL CERT examines every individual product which has been applied to be certified, and carries out the appropriate tests to ensure conformity with the relevant requirements of the directive.
Unit verification certificate is an Ex product certificate of conformity, concerning the tests carried out.
The cleint must, prior to the intervention of NOBEL CERT for assessment:
establish the technical documentation and make it available to NOBEL CERT
carry out an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s).
take all measures necessary so that the manufacturing process ensures compliance of the manufactured products with the legislative instruments that apply to them.
carry out detailed tests and controls
keep the technical documentation at the disposal of the relevant national authorities, after certification by NOBEL CERT and for 10 years after the product has been placed on the market.
monitor the compliance of the products
keep the certificates of conformity at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the product has been placed on the market.
carry out appropriate examinations and tests, set out in the relevant harmonised standards and/or equivalent tests set out in other relevant technical specifications, to check the conformity of the product with the applicable requirements of ATEX Directive, or have them carried out.
In the absence of such a harmonised standard, NOBEL CERT shall decide on the appropriate tests to be carried out.
issue a certificate of conformity in respect of the examinations and tests carried out.
affix its identification number to the approved product, or have it affixed under its responsibility.
method of CE marking of the Ex products that are certified according to module G, is described in the page of Use of certification & Trademark.
Conditions for Unit Verification certification
ussualy examination and testing of equipment is performed on site or at manufacturer's location by one of NOBEL CERT product evaluators;
design of the equipment is checked and verified;
certificate is issued declaring the one unit that received an evaluation is compliant;
Cannot be used for repeat orders;
unit verification is intended for certification of individual units. If manufacturers plan to produce another unit exactly the same as the certified one (perhaps some time in the future), under unit verification this new unit will NOT be certified, as that specific unit hasn’t been examined by NOBEL CERT, regardless of the fact that it is identical to the previously certified unit.