information contained in ATEX (EU Type examination) certificates
A certificate of EU type examination of ATEX directive includes the following information:
Main page(s) of the certificate
[1] the title of certificate: "EU–TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE"
[2] the title of ATEX directive, module B and annex III
[3] the number of certificate
[4] the certified product
[5] the type(s) or series of the certified product
[6] the name of manufacturer firm that owns the certified product
[7] the legal registered address of the firm that owns the certified product
[8] the address of the manufacturing site(s) relevant to the certified product(s)
[9] a statement declaring that the information and description of the certified product and its relevant variations and referral to the relevant documents, have been addressed in the certificate annex.
[10] a statement in which declaring that NOBEL CERT in the position of a notified body (with presentation of the four digits NB number) with referral to relevant articles of ATEX directive certifies the compliance of the desired product with essential health and safety requirements according to the annex II of ATEX directive.
there is also a referral to the confidentiality assessment report which has been issued by NOBEL CERT which is the basis of certification.
[11] the EU harmonized standards containing essential health and safety requirements relevant to the product and are considered as basis of certification.
[12] a statement declaring that one of the signs "X" or "U" shall be placed in the behind of certificate number on the basis of the certified product type (equipment or component).
[13] a statement declaring that the certificate covers only the technical design of the certified product which is addressed in ATEX directive, and also does not cover the directive requirements for manufacturing process and supply of the product.
[14] demonstration of ATEX marking of the certified product.
[15] specifying the number of certificate pages and that it includes annex, also the mandatory for remaining the certificate unchanged, if copies are produced.
[16] a statement declaring possibility for validity verification of the certificate via NOBEL CERT official websites.
there is alo information relevant to issuance of the certificate including revision number, first and current issue dates, as well as the signature of NOBEL CERT director.
Annex page(s) of the certificate
Each of the following information, if needed and applicable, is included in the certificate annex.
a description of the certified product and relevant type(s) including only the aspects relevant to its explosion protection;
if any, additional marking(s) relevant to the product;
the number of confidential test and examination report;
if the certified product is Ex equipment, description for the specific conditions for use of it, and if it is a Ex component, description of schedule of limitations relevant to the component;
if any, health and safety requirements in addition to the references mentioned in part 11 of the certificate;
conditions for maintaining the validity of the certificate and requirements related to changes to the certificate;
details of variations of the certificate;
details for temperature class(es) and ambient temperature(s);
warning marking(s)
electrical characteristics
degree of protection (IP code)
installation conditions
applicable routine test
referring to product technical file (number, revision number, date of issuance).